Passover 2024 Seder in Chabad Foshan

As every year, After the hectic and diligent preparations, the Foshan Jewish community gathered to celebrate Passover 2024 together with many locals and guests at our Chabad House location in Foshan, China.

The usual warmth and joy filled the space as families, friends, and many guests united to commemorate the ancient tradition of the holiday.

Within the special and decorated atmosphere prepared at the Chabad House, celebration of unity and joy took place as attendees enjoyed the Seder meal, retelling the story of liberation and renewal from the Haggadah. Through heartfelt prayers, songs, and of course, the delicious food of the Seder meal – the kosher delicacies from the renowned kitchen of the Rebbetzin, along with the mitzvas of matzah and four cups of wine ( pre-ordered and prepared in advance ) – the community connected to the significance of the Passover tradition, renewing ties to faith and heritage, in an event that served as a reminder of the strength and commitment of the Jewish spirit, united and strengthened together in the heart of welcoming China.

During the Passover celebrations, the community stayed attuned to current events, acknowledging the holiday’s tradition as a symbol of future liberation and unchaining from slavery for each Jewish individual as well as the Jewish people as a whole. This reflection deepened their connection to both the present and the timeless significance of Passover as the Holiday of liberation ( In Hebrew “Chag haChirut” : ‘חג החירות‘ ) .

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